Thursday, December 13, 2007

We have this many in...

When you make a severe life change as I have in order to search out the Church of the Future, you must be prepared to face doubt. How do you know if you’ve done the right thing or not? When will I know if I succeeded or not? These are common questions a Future Pastor will eventually ask. Our usual proof of success is in the results. Did I accomplish what I set out to do? Did I find what I was looking for? But what if results don’t show you what you want to see or give you what you’d like to brag about? If I were attempting to plant a model of The Church As We Know It, I would likely want to tell you how many are in attendance, how many groups we have going, and how many people we baptized this year. These are the Big 3 in my tradition. So when asked about how my efforts are going in my search for the Church of the Future, my knee-jerk response is to go back to my roots and try and give an answer the inquirer might understand. It’s so much easier to say we have this many coming on Sunday than to try and describe the road of faith I have traveled in the last three years. It’s easier to describe what I am doing than to tell you what I am becoming. Each of these has its own measuring stick to gauge with, and even though the measuring stick for the latter is still the same (you’re still looking at becoming more loving, joyful, peaceful and so on), it seems to come up short more often now that you are paying more attention to it. So, Future Pastor, this is the reality of the road ahead if you plan to stay on it for the long haul. The way is difficult and unfamiliar, and it leads you far away from the place you are most comfortable. But it is the way of faith and faith will always lead you down paths where you can’t use your eyes, your most powerful and precious sense.


Barb said...

This is THE difficulty in this path. I can't explain to people what we are doing. We know it is the "rightest" thing we have done (at least most days we feel like that) but there is nothing to report. Most of the time I verbally stick my thumb in my mouth and mumble something inane. Fortunately, since no one is really talking to us we are not asked to explain it much.

glenn said...

Kevin & Barb~

I remember this old Letterman game from late night TV, Is It Something? The thoughts in my head and what God has put in my heart is something. It is a journey and a process born out of frustration and dreaming that is taking me somewhere. That somewhere is coming into focus, ever so gradually. Then, that way stop in the journey will also be hard to explain to those who see things in the old way, but that it is OK. Thank God for the journey, even though I hate the pain and its seemingly slow pace. It is still a wonderful journey. It's just hard to explain!